2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami Wiki



The flag of Sendai


Sendai in Myagi Prefecture

The main article for this section is Impact

Sendai (仙台市) is a town in Japan. It is the capital of Miyagi Prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northeastern Honshu. Sendai is one of Japan's twenty "designated cities", meaning it has a population over 500 000. The city currently has a population of around 1 million and was founded by daimyo Date Masamune in 1601 BC. The Japanese government reported that a magnitude 7.4 earthquake along a 200 km fault offshore of Sendai was expected to occur with 99% probability within 30 years.[1]

Effect of the Disaster

Sendai and the Miyagi Prefecture were affected drastically by the 2011 Tōhoku disasters.[2] Sendai was the largest major city in the vicinity of the earthquake's epicentre.[3] The international airport at Sendai, parts of which were 2-7 metres above sea level, was completely inundated (and closed).[4] At Sendai, the tsunami was reportedly as high as 15 metres. Approximately 1400 people were saved by climbing onto roof or the control tower of Sendai airport.[4]

Sendai port was also damaged by the tsunami, and the Sendai Tōshō-gū shrine, a designated Important Cultural Property of Japan, was damaged by the earthquake. At least 704 people in Sendai died, with 26 people missing.



Raw Video Tsunami Wave Strikes Japan Airport

Sendai is inundated by the tsunami


  1. . Survey of 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami inundation and run-up (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2011GL049210/full). Wiley Online Library. Retrieved 2014-08-07.
  2. . Japan quake - hundreds dead in Sendai (http://www.3news.co.nz/Japan-quake---7th-largest-in-recorded-history/tabid/417/articleID/201998/Default.aspx). 3 News. Retrieved 2014-08-07.
  3. . Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 (http://www.webcitation.org/mainframe.php). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2014-08-07.
  4. 4.0 4.1 . News: Tsunami rolled through Pacific, Sendai Airport under water, Tokyo Narita and Hawaiian Airports temporarily closed, Nuclear Emergency cancelled by ICAO/CFMU (http://avherald.com/h?article=43928907&opt=0). Avherald. Retrieved 2014-08-07.

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